The Best Forgiveness Quotes and Sayings and Forgiveness Poems

The Best Forgiveness Quotes and Sayings and Forgiveness Poems

The Timeless and Best Forgiveness Quotes To Encourage Forgiveness

At some point in our lives, we are bound to have hurt others, or experienced hurt by others.  These are some timeless forgiveness quotes and sayings and poems to encourage you to remain positive in life and to experience life’s richness.  The pain of hurt is not easy to bear, but knowing that you are not alone might help.   May the following inspiring forgiveness quotes and sayings from others who have experienced the need for forgiveness – reach out to your soul :


“The weak can never forgive.  Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”  – Gandhi

“It takes a strong person to say sorry, and an ever stronger person to forgive.” – Anonymous

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” – Louis B. Smedes

forgiveness quotes and forgiveness poems

The Modern Forgiveness Poems For Adults


You forgive me for liking you too much,

And I’ll forgive you for not liking me enough.


You forgive me for missing you so,

And I’ll forgive you for being so cold.


You forgive me for the loud racing of my heart,

And I’ll forgive you for not hearing it.


You forgive me for playing your games,

And I’ll forgive you for toying with my emotions.


You forgive me for finding you so attractive,

And I’ll forgive you for not noticing.


You forgive me for raising you up so high,

And I’ll forgive you for bringing me down so low.

You forgive me for wanting to be with you,

And I’ll forgive you for avoiding me.


You forgive me for being so pathetic,

And I’ll forgive you for taking advantage of it.


You forgive me for not being able to let go,

And I’ll forgive you for never having latched on.


You forgive me for having hopes and dreams,

And I’ll forgive you for crushing them.


Forgiveness brings inner peace.

Do we have a deal?


– Melissa

forgiveness quotes and forgiveness poems


The Empowering Forgiveness Quotes And Sayings To Help You To Move On


“Forgiving is not forgetting. It’s letting go of the hurt.”  – Kathy

“Forgiveness is me giving up my right to hurt you for hurting me.” – Anonymous

“Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond what you were.” – Cherie Carter-Scott


WATCH This Video ONLY If You Are A Fan Of QUOTES


If you like this article on Forgiveness Quotes and Sayings and Forgiveness Poems, The Living Guru recommends you to read these too :

Modern Moral Short Story on How Do I Forgive Myself

Inspirational Tips on How To Forgive Yourself



